Integrated resource planning is a critical but often overlooked process in the sphere of public utility regulation. An Integrated Resource Plan, or “IRP”, is a long-term strategy to meet projected energy needs. Through a collaborative, ongoing process, an IRP brings utilities, regulators, and stakeholders together to forecast future energy needs and develop a roadmap for […]
Archives for June 2015
Everyone Benefits from Energy Efficiency Programs
Why everyone benefits from energy efficiency programs By Brendon Baatz, Sr. Research Analyst, Utilities, State, and Local Policy Program Blog post from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Opponents of energy efficiency often make the claim that the only people who benefit from utility energy efficiency programs are program participants. Any energy efficiency […]
The Economic Case for Fighting Climate Change
By EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy – June 16, 2015 Originally posted at: For nearly 45 years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has worked to cut pollution to keep people safe. That’s our mission: to protect public health and the environment. In that time, we’ve dramatically cleaned up our water and our air. But […]
Entergy Investing in Reliability-Upgrading power transmission system
This summer, Entergy New Orleans is beginning a $30 million upgrade to its electric power transmission system. Transmission are the part of the system that look like giant metal robots (see photo). This project is very much needed to ensure continued reliable and affordable power for New Orleans. Project Specifics This upgrade will replace existing […]