Recent news about the 2017/2018 price for energy should make Entergy rethink their plans to build gas plants in New Orleans East and Lake Charles. Two weeks ago, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO), which manages the transmission of electricity in a region comprising 15 states, including Louisiana, and the Manitoba Province of Canada, held […]
Join us Thursday!
Road Map to Our Future – Entergy New Orleans IRP
ROAD MAP TO OUR FUTURE Entergy New Orleans has filed the most recent draft of their Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), outlining the projected energy needs of New Orleans for the next 10-20 years. Entergy New Orleans’ draft IRP states that the need to provide reliable energy year round, including the hottest days of the year, are […]
New Orleans is on the move.
December 22, 2015 By Ariel Drehobl, Research Analyst from Blog for ACEEE (American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy) This holiday season, New Orleans residents have cause for celebration as they receive an unexpected holiday gift: a new focus on energy efficiency savings. Cities are responsible for the majority of energy consumption, and local governments can play […]
Stay Warm and Bright this Holiday Season!
Make sure you don’t start your New Year with a shocking energy bill! Follow a few of our tips and stay warm and bright without breaking the bank. There are lots of ways to be energy efficient, even when celebrating. What else do you do to reduce your electricity usage during your holiday? Upgrade your light display to […]
HousingNOLA Addresses Next Decade of Housing Needs
Sustainability is a major goal for the strategic plan. New Orleans, December 11, 2015 – The Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance (GNOHA) has released HousingNOLA, a strategy and implementation plan for the city of New Orleans to address its housing needs over the next decade. The plan is the result of over a year of research, analysis, […]
Watering a Thirsty Power Plant
Did you know that power plants are thirsty? As it turns out, they are big gulpers of water. Every kind of fossil fuel power generation requires water, and lots of it. Nuclear, coal, and natural gas each use many gallons of water in the process of generating every kilowatt of electricity. Natural gas is the lowest user, […]
Storage without the Duracell Bunny – Introducing the Ice Bear
When you hear “energy storage” you probably think about batteries, but there are so many ways to store energy that don’t involve Lithium Ion or Lead. There are great reasons batteries get all the press: electric cars can zip around town, your laptop is no longer tethered to your desk, and Tesla is changing the […]
Strategies for Reaching Clean Power Plan Goals
West Virginia’s Path to Compliance West Virginia, Louisiana and a handful of other states have been creating a lot of headlines lately by opposing the EPA’s new Clean Power Plan. The plan represents the EPA’s efforts to follow Obama’s directive to regulate carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act. The challenging states claim the […]
Road Map for our Future
Integrated resource planning is a critical but often overlooked process in the sphere of public utility regulation. An Integrated Resource Plan, or “IRP”, is a long-term strategy to meet projected energy needs. Through a collaborative, ongoing process, an IRP brings utilities, regulators, and stakeholders together to forecast future energy needs and develop a roadmap for […]
Everyone Benefits from Energy Efficiency Programs
Why everyone benefits from energy efficiency programs By Brendon Baatz, Sr. Research Analyst, Utilities, State, and Local Policy Program Blog post from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Opponents of energy efficiency often make the claim that the only people who benefit from utility energy efficiency programs are program participants. Any energy efficiency […]
Entergy Investing in Reliability-Upgrading power transmission system
This summer, Entergy New Orleans is beginning a $30 million upgrade to its electric power transmission system. Transmission are the part of the system that look like giant metal robots (see photo). This project is very much needed to ensure continued reliable and affordable power for New Orleans. Project Specifics This upgrade will replace existing […]
New Energy Smart Results In
Energy Smart, New Orleans’ energy efficiency program, posted recent results in a newly released report. You can read it here: ENO January-March 2015 Quarterly Energy Smart Report. Here are some quick results to peruse until you have time to read the whole report. You’re welcome! For East Bank: For West Bank:
The Carbon Bubble, Unbanked and Unfair, L’efficacite Energetique
The Carbon Bubble, Not So Delicious Economic bubbles are nothing new – the housing bubble of 2008 and Dot-com bubble in 2000. These economic bubbles form when a commodity value is propped up by speculation, market manipulation, weak regulation/regulatory capture, and Denial. (The capital D was intended.) Recently, investment portfolio managers have started talking about a […]
PSC Reinstates Energy Efficiency Programs!
Baton Rouge, LA – November 1 is the day that Entergy, SWEPCO, and Cleco customers will have access to Energy Efficiency programs. Utility scaled energy efficiency programs have proven to be the most affordable way to control energy demand. Rather than investing hundreds of millions of dollars in building new power plants, utility companies can […]
Louisiana Public Service Commission Meeting
The Louisiana Public Service Commission is slated to have October’s monthly Business and Executive meeting in New Orleans at The Supreme Court Building on Royal Street. Come join us and learn more about how energy policy is crafted. Take a look at the agenda HERE! If you cannot be at the meeting, it will live stream […]
Greenbuild International Conference and Expo!
We are looking forward to the Greenbuild International Conference and Expo. US Green Building Council’s annual event will be in New Orleans this October, and will feature three days of uplifting speakers, networking opportunities, showcases, LEED workshops, and tours of green buildings here in town. This conference is a place for thousands of people who are interested […]
Are We Energy Leaders or Losers?
Last month, our state’s Attorney General added Louisiana to the list of 11 other states in a lawsuit against the EPA over the proposed Clean Power Plan. The lawsuit is frivolous at best, and will most certainly be thrown out, as the proposal has not been passed, and is still only in draft form. The suit is […]
Integrated Resource Plan Technical Conference
Last Friday, Entergy New Orleans (ENO) hosted a public meeting to discuss the future of New Orleans’ energy. Check out what Alliance for Affordable Energy’s CEO Casey DeMoss had to say about the meeting by clicking here. If you would like more information about the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), please contact Community Outreach Manager, Annie, […]
Utilities are frightened of a “death spiral.” They shouldn’t be.
The electric and gas utility industries are facing substantial changes. For decades, rising sales have contributed to increasing revenues and profits, but the combination of improved energy efficiency with the growing use of solar electric systems and other forms of “distributed energy” has reduced growth rates, which could lead to small declines in future sales. […]
New Orleans legislators, environmentalists call for action to stop global warming
Several New Orleans state legislators joined a group of environmental leaders on Thursday to warn that global warming is increasing the threat to the state’s coastal communities from sea level rise and hurricane storm surge. “By 2050, if we don’t do anything to stop it, the city of New Orleans will be surrounded by the open waters of the Gulf […]
EPA Gets Serious About Climate Change Pollution
The Alliance for Affordable Energy says the new carbon rule is a win-win-win for Louisiana. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed new federal carbon pollution standards for existing power plants that will likely boost Louisiana’s natural gas industry, improve public health, and safeguard our coast. The new rules are one part of an across-the-board approach EPA […]
4 Words to Confuse the Enviro Crowd: “Great Report Sen. Murkowski!”
We are as shocked as you, but it’s true. Senator Murkowski, formally considered anti-science, has released an excellent report called “The Energy-Water Nexus, Interlinked Resources that Are Vital for Economic Growth and Sustainability“. The report begins “In many ways, energy and water resources go hand in hand. Water supports life while energy is the foundation […]
Streetlight Hubbub
New Orleans’ streetlight problem is as complex as any of the city’s infrastructure troubles. Intuitively, fixing a streetlight sounds easy. Just put in a new bulb, right? Not so fast! Katrina damaged many poles and wires so replacing a dark bulb may not bring the light back on. The bulb could be fine it’s the […]
New Study Outlines Plan for 26% CO2 Reduction from U.S. Power Sector with No Net Cost to the Economy
For Immediate Release Media Contact Patrick Kiker 202.507.4043 New Study Outlines Plan for 26% CO2 Reduction from U.S. Power Sector with No Net Cost to the Economy Energy Efficiency Would Allow EPA to Set More Aggressive CO2 Reduction Targets, Increasing GDP by $17.2 Billion and Creating 611,000 New Jobs, While Providing States More […]
Louisiana Utilities Commit to Implementing Energy Efficiency
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Louisiana Utilities Commit to Implementing Energy Efficiency FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Forest Wright, Alliance for Affordable Energy, 504-208-7597 Louisiana Utilities Commit to Implementing Energy Efficiency Baton Rouge, LA – Louisiana’s three largest electric utilities, Entergy, SWEPCO, and CLECO, have made good on their recent commitments to the Pubic Service Commission and formally […]
Rollin’ on the River
By Max Neubauer, Senior Policy Analyst, ACEEE Like the great river that is its namesake, Mississippi has been moving swiftly along on efforts to save residents and businesses money on their energy bills, and as a result is becoming a regional leader in energy efficiency. Governor Phil Bryant, the Mississippi Legislature, and the Mississippi Public Service […]
A Great Day for Energy Efficiency in Louisiana
Yesterday in Baton Rouge, the Louisiana Public Service Commission voted 3-2 to reinstate the statewide plan for energy efficiency that had been voted down in February. Following some minor revisions and further public comments, the program is set to resume in mid July at which point Louisiana as a whole can start to benefit from […]
Efficiency Works for Louisiana
Why does Louisiana need an energy efficiency plan? Efficiency Works for homes and businesses by slashing energy waste and boosting the bottom line. The national average to operate an efficient commercial building is $1.00 per sq.ft. In Louisiana, we’re at DOUBLE the standard; we’re paying between $1.50 and $2/sq ft! Louisiana families pay energy bills out of step […]
Action Needed for Energy Efficiency in Louisiana
The Louisiana Public Service Commission realized that the Energy Efficiency vote in February was not handled in the best way. Hence, the commission will be bringing the energy efficiency rules back up for a vote tomorrow but THIS TIME, the public will be allowed to speak. Last time we lost the rules but we’ve got another […]
Energy Efficiency To Be Voted On AGAIN!
On Wednesday, June 26th, the Louisiana Public Service Commission will be voting on whether or not to join 46 other states in delivering energy efficiency programs to lower bills for Louisiana families and businesses. The Commission realized that the Energy Efficiency vote in February was not handled in the best way. Hence, the commission will be bringing […]
News round up 6/11
Hot off the press and the latest in energy policy in Louisiana and the greater United States. The Advocate Forbes
AAE Files Lawsuit: Putting the Public Back into the Public Service Commission
On the February 27, 2013 LPSC Business and Executive meeting, Commissioner Eric Skrmetta set the tone by refusing to allow public testimony on the issue of the Energy Efficiency rules, and instead angered numerous attendees. By violating the public’s right to speak, AAE, the Sierra Club, and the Louisiana Environmental Action Network decided to take […]
Response to Cmmr Skrmetta on the Energy Efficiency Rules
Casey DeMoss Roberts Commissioner Skrmetta recently published an article in several news sources across Louisiana explaining his recent move at the Public Service Commission. His action to overturn Louisiana’s recently adopted energy efficiency (EE) law was strongly criticized by two of the most reputable conservative publications in the nation – Bloomberg Business Week and Forbes […]
Setting the Record Straight on the Energy Efficiency Rules
LPSC Commissioner Eric Skrmetta recently responded to the national criticism he has received for repealing the Energy Efficiency rules in a blog post. This fact sheet seeks to highlight Skrmetta’s mistaken claims and the discrepancies between his response and facts behind the Energy Efficiency rules. View Skrmetta’s blog post here: Claim: $30 million was spent […]
The Advocate Posts Letter to the Editor
With the Energy Efficiency rules debate gaining momentum, more media attention has been given to the matter. The Advocate posted an opinion piece about these issues, written by the Sierra Club’s Gulf States representative Jordan Macha. Click here for the link
Louisiana Public Service Commission backs out on efficiency rules
In a bizarre reversal last Wednesday, the Louisiana Public Service Commission repealed the energy efficiency rules they had just passed in December, thereby undoing their first and only step toward saving customers money through efficiency. The impetus for the rollback of existing regulations? Retirement of a Commissioner supportive of the policy; A new Commission Chairman inclined to […]
More Media Attention Given to Repeal of EE Rules
Check out yet another article on the LPSC’s decision to delay energy efficiency programs in Louisiana! Click here for the link
Casey Roberts hosts WTUL 91.5
Tomorrow – Wednesday 13 at 8 am our Executive Director Casey Roberts will be hosting a radio show on WTUL 91.5 FM discussing LPSC and the Energy Efficiency rules. Tune in to hear a great show!
ACEEE weighs in LPSC Decision
Louisiana Takes a Big Step Backward on Energy Efficiency and Customers Will Pay the Price March 4, 2013 By Maggie Molina, State Policy Program Senior Manager Last Wednesday was a sad day for energy efficiency in Louisiana, and customers will end up paying the price. In a sudden move, the Louisiana Public Service Commission (PSC) voted to overturn […]
CREDO Action
Dear Aaron, If Entergy New Orleans gets its way, New Orleans will remain totally reliant on dirty sources of energy like nuclear, coal and natural gas for decades into the future.1 The company just released a draft of its long term energy plan,2 and incredibly, it doesn’t include any investments in renewable energy projects in New […]
Rug Ripped Out From Under Ratepayers
Louisiana Public Service Commission Snatches Energy Efficiency Programs Away Baton Rouge, LA – The energy efficiency rules were good rules. They were not aggressive, nor innovative. They didn’t need to be. There was no reason to recreate the wheel when forty-six other states and the City of New Orleans had already figured it out. Over […]
First Bloomberg, Now Forbes!
After an upsetting retraction of the Energy Efficiency rules last Wednesday, the nation has turned its attention to the State of Louisiana. The rest of the nation recognizes Louisiana’s need for energy efficiency. It’s time for us to get on board! As the battle for the Energy Efficiency rules continues on, we’ve made tons of […]
Entergy Puts New Orleans’ Energy Future In Question
On Wednesday, February 20, 2013, Entergy New Orleans hosted the first public conference on the New Orleans Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which will determine New Orleans’ energy future for the next 20 years. Entergy New Orleans representative, Jim Lanning presented a plan that is uninspiring and lacks vision. Entergy New Orleans plans to meet the city’s needs by relying on […]
Skrmetta files for Reconsideration of State-Wide Energy Efficiency Rules As sneaky and underhanded actions go, Commissioner Skrmetta’s recent move sets a new standard for low. After more than three years work, the Louisiana Public Service Commission successfully passed Energy Efficiency Rules in December creating statewide Energy Efficiency programs to help families and businesses save money. […]
Southeast Clean Power Summit
On Thursday & Friday, February 20-21st, The 2nd Annual Southeast Clean Power Summit will be taking place at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans. This is an exciting opportunity for Utility Commissioners from Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Colorado to meet together to discuss the issues at hand. Representatives from Entergy, Georgia Power, […]
Get up to Speed on New Orleans’ Integrated Resource Plan
New Orleans is rapidly moving forward with energy efficiency and preparing to make major decisions on how we meet our energy needs for the next twenty years. Now the City Council has called for two public hearings to gauge community support for the New Orleans Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and include your voice in the plan […]
ACEE Provides Guidance on Energy Efficiency in Louisiana
The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy ( ) has announced that it will be releasing an in-depth report on opportunities for energy efficiency in the state of Louisiana and suggestions for program design and implimentation. The ACEEE will use this report tohelp guide the LPSC and New Orleans City Council in developing its […]
Policy Update 1/8/2013
Net-Meter Backlog Leaves Orleans Parish Solar Residents in the Dark. Hundreds of completed solar arrays are lounging around on roofs across New Orleans unable to work for residents who have invested in clean energy. Before a residential solar system can be hooked into the grid, the city council must issue a permit and Entergy must install […]