Road Map to Our Future – Entergy New Orleans IRP
ROAD MAP TO OUR FUTURE Entergy New Orleans has filed the most recent draft of their Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), outlining the projected energy needs of New Orleans for the next 10-20 years. Entergy New Orleans’ draft IRP states that the need to provide reliable energy year round, including the hottest days of the year, are […]
Save the Date – Tulane Environmental Law Summit
Mark you calendars! February 19-20, 2016 Tulane University Law School is hosting the 21st Annual Environmental Law Summit. This event is free and open to the public. The Tulane University Environmental Law Summit is a great chance to learn about current Environmental Law issues, as well as an opportunity to meet and learn from some […]
30 Years of Lighting the Way!
Join us at our 30th Anniversary Party : 30 Years of Lighting the Way! We’ve been working hard for three decades to make Louisiana’s energy affordable and sustainable, saving Louisiana energy customers over $4 Billion. The party is on Thursday November 5, at City Park’s Arbor Room and features live music from Derrick Freeman’s World, […]
Entergy Investing in Reliability-Upgrading power transmission system
This summer, Entergy New Orleans is beginning a $30 million upgrade to its electric power transmission system. Transmission are the part of the system that look like giant metal robots (see photo). This project is very much needed to ensure continued reliable and affordable power for New Orleans. Project Specifics This upgrade will replace existing […]