On March 16th Mayor Landrieu urged the Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority to address both the causes and the effects of climate change, which he described as an “existential threat” to the city. Alliance for Affordable Energy’s Casey DeMoss reminded that CPRA & everyone in the audience to recognize the direct connection between carbon emissions from power […]
Polling Shows Hispanic Voters Support Climate Action
Originally posted on cleanenergy.org by Angela Garrone Polling has consistently shown that Latino and Hispanic voters support action to combat climate change. Polling conducted by Latino Decisions, in partnership with Earthjustice and GreenLatinos, found that Latinos, more than other Americans, see climate change as a consequence of human activity – with almost two-thirds accepting anthropogenic explanations of […]
New Orleans legislators, environmentalists call for action to stop global warming
Several New Orleans state legislators joined a group of environmental leaders on Thursday to warn that global warming is increasing the threat to the state’s coastal communities from sea level rise and hurricane storm surge. “By 2050, if we don’t do anything to stop it, the city of New Orleans will be surrounded by the open waters of the Gulf […]
QER and Curious-er
We are pleased to announce that you are invited to participate in the next formal public meeting on President Obama’s Quadrennial Energy Review (QER). The public meeting will be at LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, LA @ 9 am on Tuesday, May 27, 2014. This QER Stakeholder Meeting is to solicit public comment on Transmission, […]
Photo Focus: Hurricane Sandy
[slideshow] For more photos check out there galleries here and here.
Climate Change Is Simple
In this TED talk, David Roberts, writer for Grist.org, paints a disturbing picture of what will happen if climate change continues on checked. it’s simple, straightforward and scary.
Vicki Arroyo For Ted Talks
Vicki Arroyo is the Executive Director of the Georgetown Climate Center
The Story of Cap & Trade
So this video is a little dated but the conversation about cap & trade schemes for carbon is still ongoing. Have a watch and sound off in the comments. Do you agree with Annie Leonard or do you think that a cap & trade program might be a part of the solution? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA6FSy6EKrM
Cinema Green
The environment and the ways that we use and abuse it have given film makers plenty of material to work with. Whether it’s documentary style or independent film and even on occasion straight up Hollywood, there are loads of films out there with environmental themes. Here are five that we’ve picked out to get you […]
Eco- Music
They say that music is the universal language and since climate change is definitely a universal problem, it’s no surprise that it has inspired musicians both professional and amateur a like. Here are five songs that we’ve sounded out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJzNo6EepdY This last song isn’t really about climate change but it’s a classic song that […]
Media Spotlight: Climate Change
Ironically, given that it affects everyone, climate change has become one of the most polarizing issues of our time. The conflicts range from what it is, what to call it, who’s fault it is and how to fix it. In this article, originally published in the Washington Post, Maxwell Boykoff talks about how politicians have […]
Friday Fav: Lynne Cherry & Young Voices For The Planet
Lynn Cherry is behind the series of short films Young Voices for the Planet. She’s an author and illustrator and the kids she’s made films about are young, inspired and determined to do their part in securing the future of the planet that they will inherit. We’ve chosen to feature the video below because of […]
Population Growth, Climate Change & Empowering Women
The world’s population hit seven billion not too long ago and as the population grows, so does the human impact on the environment. In this video interview with linktv Suzanne Ehlers, the president & CEO of Population Action International (PAI) speaks about the relationships between population growth and climate change and how empowering women is an […]
Friday Fav: Anjali Appadurai
Anjali Appadurai addressed the delegates at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa last month. She spoke on behalf of the world’s youth – which accounts for half of the world’s population – and reminded the governments present that it was the future of her generation and successive generations that was at […]